Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Survey Blog Past

Chris Synan

1. Describe what the process was like in trying to create questions for your research topic.
       I found it quite hard to come up with questions revolving around Restaurants that cater to a large number of people. However, I feel as though I did a good job coming up with questions and people came up with surprising answers.

2. What was different in your survey than the other people you worked with in your group?
I feel as though that I did a good job asking questions that produce substantive responses. My group members surveys were well put together but mine was much more specific.
3. Did your demographic questions help you in understanding your results? If yes or no explain why?
Not really, I don't think gender plays a huge role when it comes to having opinions revolving around a restaurant. However, even though I did not reference this, I think people in Reading are able to go out to eat to nicer restaurants and more often than people of other socioeconomic backgrounds in other communities.

4. Was there anything the survey results could tell you about your topic? Be specific. If not, explain why not.
It is clear that the options for upscale restaurants in Reading is lacking while fast food chains are abundant in our community according to people who have taken the survey.
5. How many responses did you get for your survey?
I have only gotten 13 responses ( I don't know why because I was one of the first people to post).
Take a screenshot (snipping tool) and post the picture of your responses in this post
6. What is a good project for the class to do that could be formatted similar to The Apprentice?
I also take Entrepreneurship, I think it would be great to split the class in two groups like the apprentice and come up with a business. Whoever makes more money wins, but of course the ramifications of making money is difficult.

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